Are you new to the Potter’s House?
Whether you’ve been attending church for years or it is your first time walking through the doors, the Potter’s House of Camdenton has something for you. Each week you will meet normal, everyday people, who are excited you are here and are excited about what Jesus Christ has done in their lives. The Potter’s House is committed to a creative, compelling worship service that will present the truth of God’s Word to challenge and encourage you in your daily life. Our worship style is contemporary and casual and everyone is welcome.
Grant T.
“I love the Potter’s House because it is the church family that helped ignite my passion for sharing the gospel.”
Anna L.
“I’m so thankful for my Potter’s House family, and for the solid Biblical teaching here that helps us grow together.”

About the Potter’s House
POTTER’S HOUSE is a non-denominational church that is elder-led. While certainly not the norm in America today, we believe that is the most biblical church model. (Acts 14:23, Acts 20: 17, 28, Titus 1: 5-9, 1 Peter 5: 2,3)

Our Vision and Identity
The Potter’s House exists to be the church, by making Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers in our community and around the world, through relevantly teaching and living the pure Word of God.
Knowing Jesus & Making Jesus Known
Have you ever had a night out at a restaurant that rocked your taste buds? Have you ever watched a movie that rocked your mind? Have you ever walked in a garden that rocked your senses? If any of these things resonate with you, then let’s think: What did you do when you had that meal, saw that movie or enjoyed that garden? You probably thought of other people who are close to you and made up your mind that at the first opportunity, you would tell them what you had experienced and you would add, “You have to go to that restaurant, you have to go to that movie, you have to walk through that garden.” We tend to share the spectacular with others while keeping quiet about the mundane, the ordinary, and the banal. So, that leads us to another question: Have you ever met Someone who rocked your world? There are many people in our lives who rock our personal worlds, but there is no one anywhere who comes close to the jaw-dropping, mind-blowing, world-rocking Person of Jesus Christ. That is why we recommend Him by our praise on Sunday mornings. That is why we talk about Him in the message that follows the praise. That is why we gather around Him in our Life Groups every week. That is why we take the time to say, “You have to get to know Him, you have to experience the joy He brings to life, and you have to walk with Him every moment of every day.” At the Potter’s House, we are reaching into the Word to get to know Him better and we are reaching out to the world to make Him known. Join us as we recommend Him to people far and wide.
Purpose Statement
The Potter’s House exists to be the church, by making Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers in our community and around the world, through relevantly teaching and living the pure Word of God.
Main Service @9:55-11:15AM
Men’s Bible Study @12:00-1:00PM
Ladies Bible Study @10:00AM
Celebrate Recovery
Meal @5:15-5:45PM
Service @6:00PM
The Landing & Celebration Place
for Teens and Kids @6:00PM
Youth Group Grades 3-12
@ 6:00-8:00PM
Ladies Book Study thru OCT 10
@ 6:30-8:00PM